ADRA Partners with the Giving Back Project

The inspiration came five years ago from a former cocaine addict. While attending a local community services meal, she asked Debbie Boskovic, a volunteer, if she knew of any place where she could bake. The former drug user said, “When you’re an addict all you think about is yourself. But now that I’m … read more

Stronger Together

When the pandemic began to spread in March 2020, ADRA Canada, with help from the SDACC, NAD ACS, and ADRA International, leapt into action. Partnering with churches, affiliated church entities, organizations, and groups, we provided resources to fund 33 projects nationally. The Really Living Seventh-day Adventist community located in Hamilton, Ontario was one … read more

The COVID-19 Pandemic in India

Although still serious, India’s COVID-19 situation continues to improve. The counts of active cases across India on June 22nd reported a net reduction of 26, 356 active COVID-19 cases, taking its count to 657,173. Several states across the country have started to relax lockdown curfews as cases maintain a steady decline. … read more

A Simple Act of Kindness

It has been just over a year since the first confirmed Canadian case of COVID-19 was reported by Health Canada on January 25, 2020, and words like lockdown, isolation, and quarantine have become commonplace. We complain about the things we miss: the restaurants, hair appointments, shopping and yes, church gatherings. But for many … read more

The Gift of Water

The Kibera slum in Kenya is one of the largest informal settlements in Africa, housing up to 60% of Nairobi’s 4.3 million residents.  Beneath the overlapping tin roofs is a hive of activity. Residents move back and forth, hoping to find opportunities to help them cope with their difficult, everyday lives. They live tightly packed, in mostly improvised … read more

Deborah’s Bar of Hope

“Back in the Democratic Republic of Congo, my dream was to become a nurse and serve my community,” says Deborah from her new home in one of Uganda’s overflowing refugee settlements. “When armed militias started burning our villages, killing our animals and destroying our crops, we decided to flee to for safety, and … read more

COVID-19 Response in Canada

Martha lives with her daughter and two grandchildren in the city of Toronto. She is originally from Mexico but came to Canada to help care for her grandchildren. Her daughter is a chef by profession and had a good job at a nice restaurant before the pandemic. When COVID-19 caused restaurants in Toronto … read more

COVID-19 Response in the Philippines and Cambodia

ADRA Canada is pleased to announce that Global Affairs Canada has approved funding for a nine-month COVID-19 response to be conducted by ADRA in the Philippines and Cambodia. The work will be done in the very same communities where ADRA has been implementing the EMBRACE project over the last four years. With … read more

Hard Hit by COVID-19

A volunteer at the Philadelphia SDA Church Foodbank puts together a food box for people in need because of COVID-19 Esan lives in Scarborough, Ontario with her husband and fifteen-month-old daughter. Both she and her husband were employed and they were doing well. They were able to cover all of their … read more

Grace in Halifax

Grace moved to Canada from Italy in 1967. She is now 79 and lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Grace always knew that she wanted to live in Canada. She knew that her children would be safe here. Grace’s mother left when she was very young. Grace’s father told her she would have to … read more