TOGETHER, We Protect Women and Children

Your unflagging support of ADRA’s mission is reaching the vulnerable around the world with provision and protection. Thank you, dear Angel, for protecting the vulnerable today and ensuring a safer tomorrow! Who are the vulnerable? They are those who can’t shield themselves from harm or exploitation. Most often, they are women and children. … read more

Supporting Ukrainians in the Long Term

This month, we received testimonials from several women in Ukraine. ADRA’s LEAP (Lifesaving Evacuation, Assistance and Protection) project has been addressing some of the longer-term effects of the war, especially when it comes to mental health and psycho-social support. You have helped us connect Ukrainians with qualified mental health professionals. There are women like … read more

Reminders of Good Work in Alberta

With urgent news emerging throughout the province of Alberta, as wildfires spread across multiple communities, many of us are eagerly thinking of our neighbours in the western parts of Canada. While we do not have very thorough information for you yet regarding ADRA’s response to the fires, we want to remind you of … read more

ADRA & the Alberta Spring Fires

On May 6, 2023, the province of Alberta declared a state of emergency due to multiple wildfires. There have also been multiple states of local emergency (SOLE) declared. Hot, dry, and windy conditions throughout many parts of the province have been producing volatile burning conditions. The province’s Premier – Danielle Smith – … read more

Empowering Healthcare Providers Reduces the Burden of Challenges

TOGETHER is Strengthening Health Centres The TOGETHER project, with generous support from Global Affairs Canada, is working with remote and indigenous communities in Cambodia, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda to ensure that the most vulnerable people, especially girls and women, can exercise their health-related human rights. One way TOGETHER is ensuring this is … read more

From Job Dissatisfaction to Delivering Quality Health Care

Ms. Kruy Varin is a midwife at a clinic in Kompong Thom, a rural province in Cambodia. Varin’s education and training as a midwife focused more on midwifery theories, technical skills, and some practices for antenatal and postnatal care and delivery. However, her training did not include how to interact with clients, nor … read more

Greater Confidence in Delivering Quality Health Care

The Midwife Ms. So Sophorn was born to a rural farming family in Kompong Thom province, Cambodia. But she dreamed of doing something different with her life. Through hard work and dedication, she became a midwife. At 31, she is now the mother of two children and practices as a midwife at a … read more

Overcoming Discrimination to Provide Quality Healthcare

From Stigmatized Orphan to Nurse Un Lida is part of the Kuy minority group who are indigenous to Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. Orphaned as a child, Lida lived in a pagoda. Facing ethnic discrimination, poverty, and loneliness, Lida was nevertheless undaunted in his desire for a better life. His life struggles inspired him … read more

Fighting Drought and Hunger in Kenya

Your financial support is making an impact in Kenya through ADRA’s relief and development efforts. During a recent monitoring trip, one of our staff members visited the sites of our project “HAIL” (Horn of Africa Initiative for Loima sub-county) in Kenya. She found that the projects we are implementing in the region are … read more