Unseen Casualties of War

After enduring seven long years of conflict, the people of Yemen continue to face hunger and suffering. Many thousands have died due to the fighting; many more are in danger of becoming unseen casualties of war. Even before the conflict began, Yemen was one of the poorest nations in our world. Now it is … read more

Stronger Together

When the pandemic began to spread in March 2020, ADRA Canada, with help from the SDACC, NAD ACS, and ADRA International, leapt into action. Partnering with churches, affiliated church entities, organizations, and groups, we provided resources to fund 33 projects nationally. The Really Living Seventh-day Adventist community located in Hamilton, Ontario was one … read more

Finding Hope Amid Despair

The unsettling thing about an emergency is its unexpected nature. For the village of Lytton, it began with months of dry weather conditions followed by a massive heatwave in the waning days of June that meteorologists called “unprecedented and historic.” On June 29, at 49.4C (121F), Lytton tied with Death Valley, California, as … read more

A Daily Struggle for Food

Eliana lived in poverty her entire life. Her home is a small, dilapidated house in a poor barrio in South America which she shares with her seven children, aged four through twenty-six, and grandchild. With no father in the picture, feeding her younger children and grandchild became her responsibility. Her life has … read more

The COVID-19 Pandemic in India

Although still serious, India’s COVID-19 situation continues to improve. The counts of active cases across India on June 22nd reported a net reduction of 26, 356 active COVID-19 cases, taking its count to 657,173. Several states across the country have started to relax lockdown curfews as cases maintain a steady decline. … read more

Seeds of Hope

In October 2020, Cambodia experienced heavy rainfall across much of the country. Soon, hundreds of thousands of people in 14 provinces battled with raging flash floods.  The worst-hit provinces included Banteay Meanchey, Pursat, Battambang, and Kampong Thom, and the southwestern suburb of Phnom Penh.  Over 40,000 people were forced to leave their homes, and 43 people lost their lives. Houses, roads, health centres, over 600 schools, and … read more

From Devastated to Determined

Ali is no stranger to hardship. His farm in Mandera County, Kenya is his family’s only source of food and income, and in a region prone to both drought and flood neither food nor money is ever plentiful or certain. This year a long period of drought was followed quickly by destructive … read more

ADRA Responds to Beirut Disaster

On August 4, a series of explosions ripped through the port of Beirut, Lebanon, leaving 180 dead and more than 6,000 injured.  An estimated 300,000 people were left homeless.  Whole neighborhoods around the harbour were flattened.  Many of the homeless are Syrian refugees who are marginalized and vulnerable. Structural damage to buildings over … read more

Suffering in Sudan

The global pandemic of COVID-19 is hitting the world’s poor the hardest. It is estimated that over the next few months, an additional 71 million people worldwide will be forced into extreme poverty. The economic shock waves of the coronavirus are causing millions of people to become food insecure. It is expected that … read more

COVID-19 Response in Canada

Martha lives with her daughter and two grandchildren in the city of Toronto. She is originally from Mexico but came to Canada to help care for her grandchildren. Her daughter is a chef by profession and had a good job at a nice restaurant before the pandemic. When COVID-19 caused restaurants in Toronto … read more